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Torino, via delle Rocca 36, September 19th – November 4th, 2023
Milano, Corso Venezia 29, September 21st – November 4th, 2023
Verona, via Garibaldi 18, September 23rd – November 4th, 2023
The exhibition is called In the beginning was the end and it involves large paintings. None of them was ever shown before: Emiliano Ponzi is in fact known throughout the world for his computer-generated illustrator works.
With In the beginning was the end, Emiliano Ponzi returns to the starting point, to the drawing of when he was a child and the painting of when he was a student at the IED. Or perhaps he simply returns to painting, which is older and earlier than computer illustration. For Ponzi it is certainly a beginning: the encounter with this expressive medium dates back to the last two years.
And it is an almost ring-like encounter: a melee with the canvas, the brushes, the paint and the colour.
Ponzi underlines the effort of this work in a video made by Marco Rosella which films him at work in his New York studio.
Meticulous, fussy, precise, here he seems to have to deal with a softer medium, capable of forgiving, in the play of lights, transparencies and space, some small inaccuracies, to leave room for the expressive dimension. Yes, that must be rigorously put on canvas. This is what painting does. And so he learned to do Ponzi. Which conquers, on the day of the opening in Milan, a portion of Corso Venezia on a crowded afternoon, among the thousand events that the fashion week of these days offers to the city…
full piece by Micol De Pas here