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Hi Emiliano, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
I moved to Milano (Italy) in 1997 to attend the European Institute of Design from a small town in the Norths-center. I graduated in illustration in 2000. Illustration wasn’t like it is Today and neither the knowledge of the business itself.
Internet was spreading but we all lived in our small bubble, world was smaller and we had no access to the informations we could easily have now just checking Google.
Just to say that after the college years I remember searching for Illustration annuals in some city cool book shop or the long phone call with older colleagues to gather information about how to paint digitally or where to buy a basic Wacom tablet.
I started in the old world where the word of mouths was still the way to learn how to be ready to become a professional illustrator. I rented an apartment with a friend. My room was the place where I used to sleep, work and sometimes eat in front of my brand new Powerbook G3 that in my mind would have guarantee me to become a good artist. I spent months building a professional portfolios to share with clients hoping to receive my first assignments.
During that time I developed 2 main thoughts that helped me growing in my field: 1- I’m not an illustrator but I “decided” to become an illustrator. 2- There is no plan B. That means I needed to do everything I could to learn and succeed no matter what.
Head down on the drawings, years spent skipping Fridays and Saturdays out to develop, refine and create my own style, sending emails and postcards out to potential clients. It really was one small piece a day, building the foundation of myself and my job.
full interview here