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Interview • DPI Magazine Taiwan

DPI Magazine Taiwan Interview • November issue

Excerpt in English below:

Q1: Would you share something about yourself with us? Like your education background, your homeland, your career, or anything you want to say.

A1: I was born in a small town in the north/center of Italy. I attended classic and literature high school  studies and since when I moved to Milano to start the Illustration college I’d never colored a drawing in my life.

Q2: How do you obtain the inspiration for your painting and design usually?  How do you transform the idea into drawing?

A2: I embrace the creation chaos of the biginning: many ideas with no order. I test the best intuition I come up with and discard those that can’t be turned into a consistent project. Inspiration itself doens’t have just one source. It may come from the art world as well as from a beautiful landscape or from a tiny detail that looks meaningless at first sight.