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In 1959 Gruppo T Artists bring “the variable T”– the time – inside Art , realizing artwork which refused their static nature. For the Milano Design week, 121+ bookshop hosts an exhibition of animated sculptures born from Emilano Ponzi’s illustrations – which take themselves inspiration from the Gruppo T experiments – an exhibition imaging an “ever-changing” illustration.

The alienative visual metaphors defining Emiliano Ponzi style leave the static and two-dimensional paper, becoming three-dimensional and shimmering thanks to The FabLab makers.

For the second phase of #MakersvsIllustrators, the dresses – which often are main characters and hints of di  erent meanings in Ponzi’s work – pay tribute to movement, through optical e  ects an physic games, where new techniques match traditional methods.

OPENING April 13 at 121+, via Savona 17/5 Milano