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The Bone Diaries • The New York Times

Near the beginning of Frances Itani’s latest novel, “Remembering the Bones,” Georgie Danforth Whitley, a Canadian widow, is bound for London to meet Queen Elizabeth. The two share a birthday, and Georgie is one of 99 commoners invited to a celebratory luncheon. But despite careful planning, she will not make it to the palace. En route to the local airport, her car slips through a pair of guard posts and flips down a hillside, throwing her into the brush and leaving no trace of her accident visible from the road above. Helpless and alone, she staves off thirst by sucking on the silver buttons of her cardigan. Panic is staved off by revisiting 80 years’ worth of memories in which she has been daughter and granddaughter, sister and niece, mother, wife and widow.

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